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Last Updated: 5/22/2024


An uncommon approach to care … Upon enrollment, PACE of the Ozarks becomes the coordinator and payer of all care and services through the development of the individual care plan. This care plan is unique to each Participant in providing care at the right place and the right time. Services may include:

  • Adult Day Health Center – Day Center
  • Medications ordered by our physicians
  • Nursing care
  • Food Resources
  • Rehabilitation and restorative therapies such as Physical Therapy, Occupational and Speech Therapy
  • Personal care and homecare services
  • Primary and specialty medical care and services
  • Social Services
  • Dental and Vision Care
  • Activities and Recreation – Opportunity to learn new things and make new friends
  • Nutritional counseling and support
  • Caregiver support – Dementia, Parkinson’s, CHF Education and more
  • Wellness support – Get active with our Therapy department
  • Hospitalization and Nursing Home Care when needed
  • DME – Hospital Beds, Oxygen, Ramps, Wheelchair, Walkers
  • Respite 

Participants must receive all needed health care, including primary care and specialist physician services (other than emergency services), from the PACE organization or from an entity authorized by the PACE organization. PACE participants may be fully and personally liable for the costs of unauthorized or out-of-PACE program agreement services.

Our PACE Center

The PACE of the Ozarks is located at 813 Founders Drive Park East, Suite 107, Springdale, AR 72762. The day center is open Monday through Friday 8 am – 4:30 pm. While at the Day Center Participants can:

Enjoy and participate in social activities and recreation;
Receive assistance with personal hygiene;
See their Provider, or any other member of their IDT care team;
Receive any necessary treatment or therapy; and
Have a snack and lunch.

Participants that attend Pace of the Ozarks Center, will have scheduled days to attend. These days will be determined by the IDT Team based on the needs of each participant. Day Center attendance is subject to change, based on the current needs of each Participant.


Pace of the Ozarks provides transportation to our participants as needed. A Member of our Transportation Team will inform the participant of their pick-up and drop-off times. Transportation can be provided to all medical appointments, scheduled activities with the Recreation Department, and other approved destinations.

Provision of Services

PACE of the Ozarks takes the place of the standard Medicare and/or Medicaid programs. All care is provided only through PACE of the Ozarks. When authorized by the team, PACE provides all needed preventive, primary health, acute and long-term care services so that older individuals may live in their own homes and communities as long as possible. We believe that seniors with chronic care needs do better when they are able to remain in their homes and in their community.

This provision means that once enrolled in the PACE of the Ozarks program all healthcare services MUST be ordered through PACE of the Ozarks. Services must be approved by the IDT and provided by a PACE of the Ozarks provider. 

If services are received from someone other than an PACE of the Ozarks staff member or a PACE program contracted provider, there may be a cost for those services. If services are NOT authorized by the PACE of the Ozarks’ interdisciplinary team, the Participant may have to pay for them, except in the event of an emergency.