How Does the PACE Program Work?
PACE offers a team of health care professionals to help you make health care decisions. Your team is experienced in caring for people like you. Usually they care for a small number of people. That way, they get to know you, what your living situation is, and your preferences. You and your family participate as the team develops and updates your plan of care and your goals in the program. When you enroll in PACE, except in emergent situations you’re required to use PACE physicians. These physicians are best suited to help you make health care decisions.
PACE of the Ozarks will assist interested applicants and their family in the application process. Eligibility is determined by the State of Arkansas. For more information about enrollment, visit the
Enrollment page.
Individualized Care Plan
Once a participant is enrolled into the PACE program, they are evaluated by an Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) of health care specialists, which uses that evaluation to develop an individualized care plan. The individualized care plan is a health care plan customized to meet a participant’s medical, psychosocial, and functional needs.
Participants at Pace of the Ozarks are continuously monitored and cared for based on their care plan. Members of the IDT (Interdisciplinary Team) will meet regularly to re-evaluate and assess each participant’s individual care plan and adjust accordingly, to continue to provide high quality care to participants.
Participants must receive all needed health care, including primary care and specialist physician services (other than emergency services), from the PACE organization or from an entity authorized by the PACE organization. PACE participants may be fully and personally liable for the costs of unauthorized or out-of-PACE program agreement services.
To learn more about the services offered by PACE of the Ozarks, visit the
Services page.