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Clinical Research

What is a Clinical Research Trial/Study?

A clinical research trial/study is any investigation in human subjects intended to discover or verify the clinical, pharmacological and/or other pharmacodynamic effects of an investigational product(s), and/or to identify any adverse reactions to an investigational product(s), and/or to study absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of an investigational product(s) with the object of ascertaining its safety and/or efficacy.

Who Conducts Clinical Research Trials/Studies?

Every clinical research trial/study has a team of local doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other health care professionals who conduct the study on a local level. Washington Regional's research teams are responsible for selecting patients for specific projects and directing their care following specific research protocols (research rules).

All clinical research trials/studies are a cooperative effort between leading universities/clinics, pharmaceutical companies and regional medical centers like Washington Regional Medical Center.

All clinical research involves careful attention to the benefits and possible risks associated with a particular drug, device or treatment.

What Should I Consider When Joining a Research Trial/Study?

As a patient, if you are asked about enrollment in one of our research trials/studies, you should carefully consider how clinical research may affect your state of health and your lifestyle. Drug trials may offer you and your doctor more options in treating your health problem.

When asked to consider joining any clinical research trial/study, you must ask what benefits and risks may be encountered. Read all information given to you regarding your study. Ask questions. Take notes. Involve your family.

The goal of clinical research is to find better ways of treating specific health concerns. We hope that our clinical trials are of benefit to you as well as future generations.

Who Looks Out for the Rights of Patients Participating in Clinical Research?

Washington Regional, like all organizations involved in clinical research, has a committee that monitors all research activity. This group of health care professionals and members of our community is known as the Institution Review Board, or IRB. 

The IRB works with our clinical investigators to ensure that your rights as a research participant are carefully observed and that confidentiality is strictly maintained. Our IRB operates under the guidance of stringent federal, stat, and health care regulatory agency guidelines.

What is an Education Research Project?

An educational research project may ask you to perform specific health-related tasks on a frequent basis. An education research project is any investigation into retrospective or prospective studies related to processes. Some involve implementation of new protocols with subsequent observation of outcomes. All patient-identifying information is removed and only outcomes data is reported.

Washington Regional Medical Center has an affiliation agreement with various universities within the state which allows for primarily nursing clinical research projects to be conducted. An example of one of these projects would be the development and implementation of the rapid response team and protocols. This project was performed by two master of science nursing students along with the chief medical officer. Following implementation, quantitative outcomes research was conducted based on pre-implementation and post-implementation cardiac arrest rates. A qualitative research project was also conducted based on survey results of nursing and physician perceptions of the rapid response team's effectiveness.

Do You Want More Information?

Research is underway in your community. Each trial/study/project is aimed at a specific health concern. If clinical research sounds beneficial to you, ask your doctor if you qualify for participation in research related to your health concerns. 

You may also contact a Washington Regional Research Coordinator at 479.463.7856.


Clinical Research Department
Washington Regional
3215 N. Northhills Blvd.
Fayetteville, AR 72703
Telephone: 479.463.7856
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