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Email a Patient

If you would like to send an email message to a patient at Washington Regional Medical Center, simply fill out the form below and click the Send button. Washington Regional Medical Center volunteers offer this service as a courtesy to our patients and their families and friends. The email will be printed and delivered directly to the patient. Please note that this is not a secured site.

The email will be delivered between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Emails received after the intended recipient has been discharged will not be delivered. All undeliverable emails will be destroyed by the hospital. Acceptance of an email by this site does not mean that the intended recipient is now or was previously a patient of Washington Regional Medical Center.

Please note the service can only receive messages. We cannot send outgoing replies. We respect message confidentiality. However, staff and volunteers of Washington Regional Medical Center may view this email in the delivery process.

Any type of communication or messages containing questionable content (e.g. emails conducting personal business) or business/vendor solicitations will not be delivered and will be deleted from the message center.
*Patient First Name
*Patient Last Name

*Sender First Name
*Sender Last Name
*Phone Number
*Email Address

*Enter Code Displayed (Security)